Why meetups and presentation skills are crucial for personal development

Nov 21, 2023 5 min read
Why meetups and presentation skills are crucial for personal development

Team lead Matheus de Lara Calache is enthusiastic about gathering people to have fun, learn and connect over food and drinks. He says: 'We do so many cool things at funda. Why not share our experience and knowledge with the outside world? Hence the funda meetups.'

Funda meetups revitalized

Since day one, we have actively engaged in recruiting presenters. Public speaking and presenting are critical skills at funda, given our strong emphasis on knowledge sharing. In fact, ever since I joined two years ago, I've believed it would be a great idea to revitalize our meetup initiative (which we had a few of before the global COVID-19 pandemic). This time around, we have aimed to approach it with greater consistency and a wider variety of themes and topics.

I found the same passion for and vision of meetups among my colleagues Aleix Domenech, Marloes Reijnders, and Reza Ranjbar. At the beginning of 2023, we joined forces and started to cook the ideas of what became the first funda meetup 2.0, which took place in May 2023.

We have had three meetups so far this year. The second and third ones took place in July and September. We have had different themes at each event, enabling us not only to attract a different audience, but also to be inclusive and give opportunities for different people and roles to share their useful experiences.

Sharing challenges

Additionally, during these events, we have had the opportunity to show to the outside world what we have been working on, what challenges we’ve been facing on a daily basis, what creative solutions we’ve thought of to tackle problems, and what innovative ideas we’ve been experimenting with. All of these events have taken place in the warm hospitality of Fundaplein, our office space for events and break times.

Finally, though funda is a well-known brand in the Netherlands, the general public are not necessarily aware that approximately half of our organisation are software engineers, using top-notch technologies and up-to-date methodologies to deliver what millions of people in the country are using every day. We see the meetups as a way to promote funda as a tech company too. And, as a positive side effect, it attracts people to look at our job opportunities.

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Why are public speaking and presenting skills important?

Public speaking and presenting skills are crucial for several reasons, especially in the context of professional and personal growth. I know from experience how important these skills are. As a former software developer, I am aware that sometimes software engineers tend to focus only on hard skills and forget about soft skills, such as leadership, organisation, structured train of thought, communication, public speaking and presentation.

Presenting a seminar to a bigger and unknown audience can be difficult and definitely outside of some people's comfort zones. With guidance and coaching, in combination with personal goals for career growth, the space and organisation provided by the meetups are important enablers to fill these gaps.

To keep in the loop about future events, please follow funda here.

What skills can be achieved with presenting at a meetup?

Public speaking and presenting skills are not only professionally advantageous but also contribute to personal growth, self-confidence and the ability to make a positive impact on the personal (as well as professional) front. Below are some more details about the many skills that can be gained by presenting at a meetup:

Effective communication

Public speaking and presentation skills enable individuals to convey their thoughts, ideas and messages clearly and effectively. This skill is fundamental in professional settings, where miscommunication can lead to misunderstandings and mistakes.

Career advancement

In many professions, the ability to present ideas persuasively can accelerate career growth. Whether it's pitching a project, leading a team, or addressing a boardroom, strong presentation skills can set individuals apart and open up leadership opportunities.

Confidence building

Public speaking builds self-confidence. Overcoming the fear of speaking in front of others can boost self-esteem and empower individuals to tackle challenges beyond public speaking.

Influence and persuasion

Effective speakers have the power to influence and persuade their audience. Whether it's convincing clients, motivating colleagues or inspiring change, the ability to speak persuasively is a valuable asset.

Leadership development

Strong leaders are often strong communicators. Public speaking skills are essential for leaders to articulate their vision, set expectations and motivate their teams.


Public speaking engagements frequently provide opportunities to network with like-minded individuals, industry peers and potential collaborators. These connections can be professionally rewarding.

Education and training roles

For those in education or training roles, effective presentation skills are essential. Teachers, trainers and lecturers need to convey information in an engaging and understandable way.

Personal development

Public speaking is a form of personal development. It encourages individuals to organise their thoughts, research topics thoroughly and continuously improve their communication abilities.

Global communication

In our interconnected world, individuals often communicate with people from diverse backgrounds. Effective public speaking skills help bridge language and cultural gaps, making communication more inclusive.

Personal branding

Public speaking engagements can enhance personal branding. Being recognised as an expert in a field can lead to new opportunities and increased credibility.

Contribution to society

Public speaking can be a platform for individuals to share important messages, advocate for causes and contribute positively to society.


As technology evolves, virtual and online presentations are becoming more common. Developing virtual presentation skills is essential in today's digital world.

See also: Why making mistakes is ok, especially when dealing with legacy code

What's next?

For 2024 we already have a list of potential presenters and topics. Also for our future events, we’ve been trying to create some logic among the presentations, so we have a theme for each event. We will continue supporting our internal colleagues and external enthusiasts to overcome their challenges and learn new things at every event. Additionally, our vision is that one day, we can also start collaborating with other companies and skilled professionals outside of funda who are willing to share knowledge with us.

Finally, I am keen to always have soft skills as personal goals for me and my team. And I am willing to share my experience as well. The meetups can be a good opportunity to be challenged.

To present, to sell an idea, to motivate people, and to make people listen to you, you need to organise your train of thought and your theory. You need to present the problem, the goals, the methodology and the results of your experiment – either negative or positive, according to the goal. In essence, these experiences tend to feel much like defending a thesis. However, without a doubt, they are some of the best learning experiences you can have.

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